Why Do Relationships That Start Out “Hot and Heavy” Turn Hard and Lonely?

Read our eBook and learn everything you need to know to bring ease and joy back to your love life.

Love is what we crave most in the world. But often, when it shows up, it triggers all sorts of troublesome behavior.

In fact, it often triggers the very actions that destroy a relationship.

Withdrawal. Anger. Snippy comments. Criticism. Being “too busy.” Being distant and unavailable. Feeling smothered. Power struggles. Anxiety…

Any of those things sound familiar?

Here’s what happens:

Your relationship starts out in a state of bliss. You think you’ve found “the one” and that finally… finally… you’ll get the intimacy you crave.

You think you’ve found the person who’ll love you unconditionally, listen to you when you feel vulnerable or down, support you when life gets stormy. You’ve found your best friend, your true confidant and an exciting lover.

But then… cracks begin to show.

Suddenly, he starts acting different. Aloof. Uninterested. Unavailable. Combative.

You start acting different.

And feeling different.

And you are devastated, because love has disappointed you, AGAIN, and you are doubting your judgement, and wondering why it’s so HARD to make it work.

You thought this time was different.

And then everything fell apart.

Love Is The Best Thing We Do. But It’s Also The Scariest.

As much as we long for deeply satisfying, fully intimate love, most people spend more time struggling with loneliness, disconnection and hurt feelings than they do enjoying the joyous celebration that love can be.

What causes this disconnect? Why is it that what we most deeply want is also so hard to get and keep?

The reason is this: Love has the power to bring up all of our hidden desires, our deepest and oldest longings and our past hurts.

It acts as a “cosmic searchlight,” revealing problems that we aren’t aware of that wreak havoc on great relationships.

And these problems manifest themselves as symptoms like withdrawal, anger, anxiety, irritation and loneliness.

Most of the time, we don’t even realize what’s happening.

All we know is that our partner seems suddenly distant and inconsiderate, or we feel an undercurrent of anger and disgust with them.

We don’t know that our hidden emotions and fears are at work.

We react to the symptoms, and ignore the real cause.

We unintentionally shut love out, instead of letting it in.

Your Relationship Problems Will Keep Repeating If You Don’t Address What’s Really Going On

Because we misunderstand the problem, we misunderstand the solution.

Here’s what we want to do:

Run away.

End the relationship.

Blame the other person.

Seek solace and comfort elsewhere.

But our problems won’t go away if we run. They’ll rear their ugly head the next time we get into a relationship. And the next time.

They’ll repeat over and over again, and often get bigger, until we understand what’s REALLY going on.

But once we learn it, we can STOP these hidden forces from running our love lives, and make conscious choices to create the relationship we’ve always wanted.

We can experience the endless joy and energy love promises, and restore the hope and gratitude we once felt.

5 Keys To Fully Experiencing Love

Here’s your roadmap to understanding what’s really triggering your love problems, and what you need to do to fully let love into your life: our ebook, Hearts in Harmony.

Hearts in Harmony is the best resource in existence to help you uncover the hidden reasons you’re lacking the closeness and love you really want.

After a combined 90 years of counseling singles and couples on how to fully embrace and expand in love, we know our approach works. We’ve seen thousands of people completely transform their love lives… and we used these same techniques to transform our own relationship when we married almost 35 years ago.

In this powerful new ebook, we reveal the 5 Keys to Heart Harmony. Each of these keys are critical to identifying what’s really running your relationship, and then transform it from a place of tension and despair into one of appreciation and intimacy.

We’ll help you banish the hidden fears that create all sorts of relationship problems, and reveal the most important secrets to fully experiencing and giving love.

Your heart can be in complete harmony: with yourself, with your partner, and with your relationship.

Once this happens, you’ll be able to enjoy all the wonderful possibilities of love, and restore the “magic” you once felt.

In Our eBook, You’ll learn:
  • The 7 common ways we pull back from closeness (if you never thought you had “fear of intimacy,” you’ll want to read this)
  • How to have ecstatic, unlimited joy from love and your relationships by removing the subconscious blocks that are preventing you enjoying true intimacy
  • The difference between an entanglement and a relationship. (This knowledge will give you one of the biggest “aha’s!” of your life, because you’ll be shocked to see how many of your past relationships were actually entanglements, and why that’s prevented you from really creating something that lasts!)
  • How to have more freedom than you’ve ever had AND be in a deeply intimate, committed relationship
  • The #1 indicator that will tell you whether you and your partner have a chance of working through your problems and saving your relationship
  • The secret reason why you and your partner fight just as things are going really well between the two of you (it doesn’t mean you can’t be happy together)
  • How to recognize whether or not you’re playing out the same relationship script over and over, from partner to partner or year to year, and more importantly, how to use that recognition to make new choices and open up to creative, positive solutions
  • 5 signs your partner is afraid of having a loving, lasting relationship (if he’s withdrawing, read this before you do anything else)
  • Why setting intentions is the rocket-fuel of relationships. You’ll be amazed at how quickly and easily you’ll can transform your relationship when you unlock your power to create EXACTLY what you want.

Almost 200 Pages, 18 Interactive Exercises & and 45 In-Depth Handbook Activities

The secret to permanently transforming your love life cannot be learned just through reading.

You need to incorporate your whole body.

How many times have you read an article, or a book, or watched a talk show and learned something really valuable, put it into practice, and then forgot about it after the initial “aha” wore off?

How many times did you start something and give it up a few days or weeks later?

There’s a reason this keeps happening.

It’s because you didn’t enlist your most powerful asset in helping your transformation: your body.

The problems you need to solve go deeper than your conscious mind… so you need a deeper solution if you want to trigger meaningful change.

That’s why a cornerstone of all of our teaching is in full body intelligence.

Everything we create enlists all of your emotional, mental and physical being to get the results you want.

And our ebook is no different.

Each key in our ebook gives you several exercises that you can do alone and with your partner to unleash the power of your body and create a real, lasting change.

These exercises become your secret weapon in making sure you don’t just skim through the learning and forget about them the next day. They make the changes permanent, and unlock a whole new way of communicating with yourself and your partner.

In addition to the integrated exercises, we are including a 90 page handbook filled with activities, journal questions, and in-depth training that expands upon the original ebook. These activities go deep. In fact, they’re so comprehensive that over 2,000 therapists worldwide use them in sessions with their clients.

In short, we give you everything you need to completely transform your love life. Now and forever.

Plus – you can choose the format that’s just right for your lifestyle:

  • The eBook version – Almost 200 pages packed with advice, easy to read and compatible with all your devices (computer, tablet and mobile!)
  • With the Audio version, you can listen to us teaching "out loud" to you while driving, walking, anytime, anywhere! You’ll be able to download the audio book right onto your favorite mobile device and take it anywhere you want.

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eBook + Audio Bundle

Regular Price: $40
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Our eBook Includes:

Heart Harmony Key 1:
Reconciling Our Fear Of Getting Close And Being Alone

  • The two fears you and your partner will likely experience when you fall in love – and how to keep these feelings from damaging your relationship
  • How to put an end to the stubborn negative patterns you’ve experienced in romantic relationships so you can embrace genuine lasting love
  • Why fighting doesn’t mean you’ve chosen the wrong partner – and how to start enjoying true relationship bliss

Heart Harmony Key 2:
Balancing Unity and Autonomy

  • Have people said you’re too needy? Or are you the one who asks for more space? We’ll explain this common relationship dynamic
  • The secret to having a relationship where both of you feel deeply connected and yet completely free to be yourselves
  • How to feel safe and secure in your relationships – even if fear of abandonment has plagued you in the past

Heart Harmony Key 3:
Recognizing and Resolving Entanglements

  • Some relationships are actually entanglements and will never make you happy – we’ll show you how to tell the difference
  • The real reason some couples are able to work through conflict while others will grow more and more disconnected
  • Why your romantic past does not dictate your future – here’s how to create the relationship you’ve been waiting for

Heart Harmony Key 4:
Setting Right Intentions And Meaningful Agreements

  • The power of getting clear on what you really want and need in a relationship
  • The relationship “resolutions” you can make now that will motivate you and steer you toward positive change
  • A powerful question you can ask your partner that will jumpstart more fun in your relationship

Heart Harmony Key 5:
Handling Conflict

  • Why your attempts at handling problems in your relationship have left you frustrated
  • How to stop working so hard on your relationship – we’ll teach you a refreshing approach for eliminating even age-old issues
  • The real reason you and your partner fight about sex and money – and what to do about it

ADD 30 Days Of Video Coaching With Us – Absolutely Free!

Lasting Love Every Day 1-Month Free Coaching

With your Hearts In Harmony eBook purchase, you’ll have the opportunity to experience our powerful Lasting Love Every Day video mentoring series. These daily "mini lessons" help couples recommit to more love, better communication and positive feelings in less than 5 minutes a day—and they’re FUN!

You can try the first month completely free. After that, you’ll be billed only $29.97 per month. That’s less than 1 dollar a day!

Our daily videos are packed with the MOST effective tools and techniques to bring more harmony and resilience to your relationship. If, for any reason, you aren’t completely satisfied within the first month, simply let us know and we will cancel the subscription – no questions asked. You’ll still get to keep the first month’s videos for free.

Try Our Book Now – Risk-Free

Cutting–Edge Research And Advice To Create Easy, Lasting Love
  • Almost 200 Pages Of Advice
  • 18 Interactive Exercises
  • 45 In-Depth Handbook Activities

Regular Price: $40

Download Now – only $29.97

Our Risk-Free Promise

In a harmonious relationship, love makes you feel more alive, more joyful and more in tune with yourself and your partner than you ever thought possible.

It’s why you are here, reading this letter. Because you are ready to get to the root of your relationship challenges, and learn how to fully experience the joyous, expansive, ever-satisfying potential of love.

You have nothing to lose, and a lifetime of blissful romance to gain.

Try our ebook today, and change your relationship from the inside out.

With love,

Signed by Katie & Gay Hendricks

P.S. Our ebook works, and we know it in our bones. That’s why we don’t want you to have any reason not to give it a try. So go ahead and give our ebook a “test drive.” Read it, try out the exercises and practice the advice for 7 full days. If it isn’t everything you hoped it would be, you can return it… no questions asked.

Luminaries We Call Friends Say…

  • John Gray, Ph.D.

    Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks are masters in the art of intimacy.

  • Deepak Chopra

    The inner intelligence of the body is the ultimate and supreme genius. Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks show us how to connect with his inner intelligence and discover the secrets to healing, love, intuition and insight.”

  • Geneen Roth

    If you ask me, Gay and Katie are the perfect exemplars for stunningly conscious, incredibly loving, ever evolving and utterly fabulous relationships. When I grow up, I want to be just like them.

  • Pilar Gerasimo

    As an editor, I rely on the Hendricks as expert sources for all kinds of life know-how, from relationships and professional development to mind-body wisdom. As an individual, I consider them my personal role-models for healthy, happy, conscious living and loving. If you're committed to the journey of living your own best, most vibrant life, you simply could not ask for better or more compassionate guides.”

  • Neale Donald Walsch

    “I've known Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks as friends for many years. I am so deeply impressed with the love, wisdom, and clarity that Kathlyn and Gay bring to their work. Their insights on relationships can be life-changing. Our most personal interactions with each other mark the core of our experience as humans. This is where the real growth is, this is where the real opportunity for true soul work begins. Kathlyn and Gay are gifts to the heart and soul, opening both to new and grander experiences.”

Try Our Book Now – Risk-Free

Cutting–Edge Research And Advice To Create Easy, Lasting Love
  • Almost 200 Pages Of Advice
  • 18 Interactive Exercises
  • 45 In-Depth Handbook Activities

Regular Price: $40

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