Lasting Love Is Impossible… Unless You Learn These Critical Skills

Here’s the roadmap you need to create a relationship that’s stronger and more powerful than any challenge life throws at you.

Is your relationship ready for life?

For all the difficult troubles and trials we inevitably have to deal with over time – like job losses, aging parents, waning sex-drives, major illness or worse?

Is it ready for all the day-to-day “energy drains” that eat away at our happiness and harmony – like endless chores, disagreements, fussy children, broken appliances, lack of sleep, in-law meddling, stressful jobs and other daily grinds?

Because if it’s not ready, any of the above problems – no matter how little – can be enough to tip the scales from “happy and in love” to “in marriage counseling and heading towards divorce.”

Perhaps they’ve already started taking their toll.

Or maybe they’ve already ruined an important relationship in the past, and you want to do things differently this time around.

Trust us. We’ve seen it over and over again.

Couples start out wildly in love and think it’s enough to get them through anything.

They believe the romance and thrill of their initial time will last forever, even when life throws them curveballs.

Fast forward a few years, and they are in our offices, desperate for a solution and on the verge of a divorce.

Their fights have become entrenched and there is very little love and affection between them.

They are at their “relationship breaking point” and it all could have been avoided if they’d come to us sooner – before things went off the rails.

Love Doesn’t Conquer All, But The Right Relationship Skills Do

Perhaps when you read the beginning of this letter and saw all the challenges – from the dire to mundane – the idea of love lasting forever felt almost impossible.

And you would be right.

On its own, lasting love is impossible.

The strength of your love, without the proper care and skills to help it grow and adapt, cannot weather all that life throws at it.

We aren’t born able to excel at everything we want to be good at, just like we aren’t born knowing how to create – and keep – a great relationship.

That would be like knowing how to raise a child, or learn a new language, or drive a car, or run a marathon… without ever receiving any training, practice or guidance about how to do it.

But the good news is, just like you could learn how to drive a car or speak French, you can also learn the critical skills that make your relationship virtually breakup-proof.

And when you do, you can create a relationship that is happier and more fulfilling than you ever dreamed possible.

Good Relationship Skills Are Easy – But They Are Not Obvious

Here’s the funny thing about all the best, happiest couples we know: their love is easy.

It doesn’t mean they never get mad at each other or have fights… but day in and day out, they feel a positive flow of love and energy that rejuvenates and inspires them.

They’ve learned the critical keys to lasting love, and it’s as natural to them as breathing.

Some of these couples were the lucky ones: people born into families with great relationship role models that gave them a template they could apply to their own love lives.

But most of them weren’t so lucky. Most of them had to decide to become great at relationships, and commit to learning what it takes to do it.

We were one of those couples.

Both of us were just barely out of failed relationships when we met. Our last marriage left us each feeling unsatisfied and yearning for a different kind of relationship.

Neither of us had good relationship role models growing up. Gay was raised by his single mom who worked all the time, and Katie’s parents bickered and complained endlessly.

When we met and fell in love, we wanted to create something different. And then we devoted the next 30+ years to figuring it out.

We got Ph.Ds, wrote books, studied and met with the great relationship and psychological thinkers of the world.

We made our relationship a living laboratory – testing and tweaking and analyzing all of our behavior, feelings, thoughts and dynamics.

And we realized that the secret to a great relationship isn’t hard at all – once you know what it is. That like those happy couples we were once so jealous of – the flow between us became easy, constantly positive, and ever-expanding.

Our relationship grew deeper and happier over time. All the challenges that life threw at us only made us closer.

We had cracked the code.

Here’s The Secret To Lasting Love…

Once we cracked the code, we made it our personal mission to teach it to everyone else.

It may have taken us decades to perfect, but you don’t have to!

In fact, we simplified the most critical secrets and skills to lasting love down to a system of three core keys. Once you integrate them into your relationship, you’ll create an unshakeable foundation for happiness, connection and continually expanding love.

Lasting Love Made Easy is that system. It’s the “Relationship Manual” you need to ensure your relationship stays strong and positive, and in fact deepens over time.

Whether you are at your relationship breaking point or want to make sure you get it right this time around, this program gives you the roadmap to a new kind of relationship: one filled with joy, positive energy, emotional transparency, and the deepest levels of intimacy.

You’ll be a team – ready to handle anything that life throws at you.

But, even better, life will be easier because you will enjoy it more – together. You will laugh, play and appreciate all the beautiful gifts you give to the relationship, and to each other.

In this groundbreaking program, you’ll learn:

  • The common reason why people become dissatisfied in relationship (if you’re complaining about your partner, you’ll want to pay attention)
  • The two keys to speaking so that your partner really hears you (this would have saved Gay 15 years of angst!)
  • Why arguing over money is never fixed by having more money (we’ve seen millionaires in our office fighting over the cost of toilet paper, so there’s something else at play…)
  • The 3 commitments you need to make as a single person if you want to find lasting love
  • A simple technique for bringing immediate relief to conflict – you’ll quickly shift to a feeling of ease and flow
  • How to shift from “blame talk” to “lasting love talk” – we’ve seen miracles happen when couples try this, and we’ll model it for you
  • A surprising underlying reason couples argue about sex – and what to do about it
  • How to stop feeling like a victim once and for all… and take back control of your relationship and your life
  • A whole-body learning technique for getting past painful memories – you’ll feel anger, fear, and sadness melt away
  • How to handle feelings of attraction for someone other than your partner (part of it involves actually telling them about it!)
  • The real root of commitment fears (women are just as likely to experience this one as men)
  • The 4 tenets we’ve based our relationship on for over 30 years (and how you can live by the same rules for flow and harmony)
  • The number one complaint people have after a failed relationship – and how to prevent it from happening with your partner
  • How to encourage your partner to appreciate you more – in the ways that feel best to you
  • The only thing more important than commitment that makes lasting love made easy possible
  • You’ll learn how to identify and quickly dispel the two biggest blockers of love... before they cause any damage.

This Program Includes:

We’ll mentor you over 7 hour-long video sessions, walking you step-by-step through the body language, facial expressions, and attitudes that can either MAGNIFY the flow of love between you… or shut it down before it gets started.

We’ll demonstrate what works and what doesn’t, and use body intelligence and movement to easily imprint the change into your body and soul. (Because transformation doesn’t happen in your brain. You need to engage your whole body if you want the change to be permanent.)

Mentoring Video 1

Mentoring Video 1:

  • How to be truly present with your partner so you can connect deeply with each other and get the most out of your relationship
  • A powerfully effective way to interrupt an argument and feel the love again
  • The words of appreciation your partner is longing to hear – and how saying these words will inspire them to shower you with love
Mentoring Video 2

Mentoring Video 2:

  • Why you get frustrated when you try to talk with your partner about something that’s bothering you
  • The difference between “blame talk” and “lasting-love talk” – we’ll show you how we do it
  • Why you’ve been fighting about the same stuff for years – and how to finally find solutions
Mentoring Video 3

Mentoring Video 3:

  • How to know if you’re in a negative pattern you’ll keep repeating from partner to partner
  • The most empowered move you can make to release victimhood and create the relationship of your dreams
  • Why you feel stuck and frustrated even though you’ve tried to improve your love life – and how to create real transformation
Mentoring Video 4

Mentoring Video 4:

  • The real reason couples argue about money and sex (people are always surprised when we tell them this)
  • How to stop the past from intruding in your present – whether it’s a painful memory or a relationship hang-up you can’t get over
  • A fun technique that will help you authentically connect with others in every area of your life
Mentoring Video 5

Mentoring Video 5:

  • Do you feel as if you give too much in your relationships? Here’s how to balance things out
  • How to stop the complaining in your relationship and remember why you fell in love
  • The 4 “rules” we live by in order to keep our marriage flourishing after over three decades)
Mentoring Video 6

Mentoring Video 6:

  • What broken relationships have in common and what you can do to dramatically reduce dissatisfaction in your relationship
  • How to recommit to your relationship (and stop negative feelings from damaging your connection)
  • One powerful step you can take right now to fill your future with love and happiness – whether you’re looking for a partner or you’re already in a relationship

ADD 30 Days Of Video Coaching With Us – Absolutely Free!

Lasting Love Every Day 1-Month Free Coaching

With your Lasting Love Made Easy purchase, you’ll have the opportunity to experience our powerful Lasting Love Every Day video mentoring series. These daily "mini lessons" help couples recommit to more love, better communication and positive feelings in less than 5 minutes a day—and they’re FUN!

You can try the first month completely free. After that, you’ll be billed only $29.97 per month. That’s less than 1 dollar a day!

Our daily videos are packed with the MOST effective tools and techniques to bring more harmony and resilience to your relationship. If, for any reason, you aren’t completely satisfied within the first month, simply let us know and we will cancel the subscription – no questions asked. You’ll still get to keep the first month’s videos for free.

Watch Lasting Love Made Easy – Risk-Free

Critical Skills That Make Your Relationship “Break-Up Proof”
7+ hours of powerful video: tips, techniques and exercises

Amazing value: just $199.97 or 4 payments of $49.99


Our Risk-Free Promise

Your Complete Relationship Fulfillment Is Our Personal Mission

There are no skills better worth learning than those that create a loving, lasting, ever-deepening relationship.

It’s why we devoted our lives (both personal and professional) to developing these skills, and teaching what we’ve learned to others.

If you were one of our clients, the tools and training in this program would cost you thousands of dollars. We know this isn’t realistic for most couples, and that’s why we created a program that gives all the benefits of our in-person trainings (even watching us live!), but costs much less.

For 5 low payments of $44.97, you’ll learn all you need to easily create love that lasts… and you can start seeing changes immediately.

This program has over 7 hours of video trainings, and is the only program we’ve ever created that has us both on camera, demonstrating the skills of lasting love. Plus, you’ll receive our Relationship Harmonizer: a special soundtrack designed to help singles and couples create deep mental, emotional, and spiritual rapport and connection. The videos will teach you the skills you need, and the harmonizer will help make them permanent in your mind and body.

Your relationship can be the engine that fuels your life – a constant source of happiness, connection, support and joy.

Or it can be one that slowly drains away.

Which do you choose?

Try Lasting Love Made Easy, and get the roadmap you need to make sure your relationship can withstand the test of time, and handle everything life throws at it.

With love,

Signed by Katie & Gay Hendricks


Because we know the powerful impact this program will have on your life, we don’t want you to have any reason not to try it. If you aren’t completely satisfied once you try out this program, you can return it hassle-free within the first 7 days. We’ll refund every penny, no questions asked.

Our Customers Say…

  • I’ve never seen so much wisdom delivered so beautifully. These videos are everything you really need to create a magnificent life.”

  • Since becoming involved with the Hendricks programs and approaches my life and relationships have become more fulfilling, harmonious and rich – as well as a whole lot simpler!”

  • I was inspired to be my best Self, that I had the power to create the life I want, to live life in joy and to the fullest. Through their loving guidance I now understand what it means to have healthy loving relationships. They are Beacons of Light!”

  • …your loving guidance has become a lifelong model and way of life – of relating to self… Thank you for being you and for the insight and for your talent and for your coaching you are my real world coach! You help me so much.”

Watch Lasting Love Made Easy – Risk-Free

Critical Skills That Make Your Relationship “Break-Up Proof”
7+ hours of powerful video: tips, techniques and exercises

Amazing value: just $199.97 or 4 payments of $49.99