Bring Back the Passion to Your Relationship and Enjoy Great Sex Again

Romance and passion don’t have to wane with time, and sexual satisfaction is possible even if you haven’t “felt it” for your partner in years.

Katie and I have enjoyed more than 30 years of a wonderful marriage. We have more passion and great sex every year we’re together. To many people that may seem remarkable, but for us, it’s how it should be. And it’s how it can be for you too. But before we get started, we’d like you to ask yourself these questions:

Does it hurt to admit that you feel unattractive and unwanted because your partner doesn’t reach out with the same tenderness and desire they used to?

Does your partner tell you that nothing he or she does is ever good enough and can’t seem to please you…in or out of the bedroom?

Do you want to make love for a change, not just have sex all the time?

Do you wish to feel inspired to make love with your partner, not just do it because they want to or because you feel obligated?

Would you rather sleep than be intimate? Or would your rather your partner want to have sex more often, and not be “so tired?”

It May Feel Like The Passion Is Disappearing, But You Can Get It Back

When your relationship was new, you couldn’t get enough of each other. Every conversation, every glance, every touch had undertones of sensuality.

Over time, however, things have “settled down” and you’ve gotten into a comfortable groove with each other. Perhaps a bit too comfortable.

Perhaps one of you would rather watch sports or play video games than spend time with you. And you’d rather catch up on Netflix or read the next chapter in that novel than get frisky.

And when you do end up in the bedroom, the same person is always the one initiating. There aren’t any surprises anymore. You can almost predict when you’ll be intimate, and for how long, and how you’ll feel afterward. (Which is, sadly, not all that great.)

But imagine if you could re-ignite that original passion you felt for each other.

Imagine your partner looking at you with the same thrill of your first connection, with a fire and desire that let you know that you’re the only one in the world that could ignite the passion the way you do.

Many of the couples we work with don’t think it’s possible to have great sex and passion. They think once the fire is gone, it’s gone forever. They think a lack of passion is simply a result of not enough sex, or bad sex, or too much sex. They are wrong!

Because here’s what we know for sure…

Sexual Problems In A Relationship Almost Never Have To Do With Sex

In trying to revive the passion on their own, most couples fall into the trap of bad conventional advice that tries to fix the problem of a lack of libido in external ways. For example:

Appeal to men’s “visual” nature by lighting candles and putting on sexy lingerie.

Or entice your partner with a strip tease and taking pole dancing lessons.

Maybe your friends have given you advice about scheduling “Date Nights.”

Man Kissing Giggling Woman's Neck

Or you’ve read articles advising you to write love notes or book a weekend away together.

You may have tried any of these, and while it may have injected a little romance into an evening, it didn’t work long-term. You’re right back in the same rut and feeling the same “blah” way.

Or you’re left feeling even more resentful for having to do all the work… again.

The problem with this sort of advice is that it’s superficial and does nothing to solve the underlying issues that are causing a lack of passion in the first place.

You spend money, you take the time and effort, you do things in bed you’re not particularly comfortable doing in the hopes your partner will get turned on.

Your efforts to spice things up flop, because the underlying problem persists.

So you cross your arms, blame your partner, and wait for things to change, but they never do.

And you’re left feeling even MORE unwanted and frustrated.

The Underlying Reason Passion Fades in Any Relationship… No Matter How Much You Still Love Each Other

When couples first come to our workshops, they tell us that they haven’t had a satisfactory sex life in years, or that they’re no longer attracted to each other, but still love each other. Many couples blame this on what they suspect is a physical problem – their bodies aren’t responding the way they once used to.

The fact is, passion in a relationship wanes not because one person isn’t trying hard enough.

It’s not because you’ve been together too long or have have fallen out of lust with each other.

The reason passion disappears is because the positive energy that once flowed effortlessly between you is getting blocked in some (or all!) of these 5 key areas:

1 | Communication

(You used to spend hours pouring out your hearts to each other, now you barely listen to each other.)

2 | Emotion

(You used to feel safe in your mutual embrace. Now being close brings up unpleasant feelings.)

3 | The Body

(There was a time you could turn each other on effortlessly. You enjoyed seduction, exploration and play. Now you feel inhibited in the bedroom.)

4 | Power

(It’s hard to feel loving and affectionate toward each other when you’re often bickering, criticizing, judging and nagging.)

5 | Creativity

(You’re doing the same few things over and over, in AND out of the bedroom. It has gotten routine or even boring!)

Without restoring the flow to all five of these key areas, the problem of a lack of passion can never be solved in any conscious, or long-lasting way.

There’s no magic bullet solution in the form of a date night, strip tease or sexy lingerie that can reignite passion the way restoring the flow to these five blocked areas can.

Even if you suspect a physical problem, as soon as you eliminate what’s blocking the positive energy flow, the physical problem can disappear.

Bottom line is, you CAN get the ebb and flow of sensuality moving again, and you can do it in a way that is long-lasting and satisfying. Here’s how:

Small, Subtle Shifts in the Way You Interact With Your Partner Are the Key to a Lifetime of Unwavering Passion

When you fix the flow of sexual energy between you and your partner in the 5 keys areas, miraculous transformations occur.

The edge of resentment and apathy dissolves and true understanding takes place.

Suddenly, you feel more attractive and vital around your partner.

Your partner is more connected with how you’re feeling and what you really want.

You relax into a delicious affection toward each other, and feelings of desire rise up naturally between you.

Your partner actually starts to pay attention and get turned on by you, and you’re really into it!

But getting to that place isn’t easy on your own. You may have ingrained habits, false beliefs and misunderstandings about gender differences. You probably have blind spots when it comes to the way you’re coming across to your partner.

And unless you know what your blind spots and hidden issues are, you’ll just end up trying the wrong things and ultimately failing to re-ignite the spark you once had.

Essentially, you need a guide that will show you exactly what’s stopping you from having the blissful, passionate relationship you desire.

Our program, Passport To Passion, is that guide. And if you’re ready and willing to open up the critical areas of energy flow in your relationship, it’s guaranteed to help you feel more sexually alive, and more passionately connected than ever before.

We’ve Helped Thousands of Couples Rekindle the Passion They Feel For Each Other

We’ve coached over four thousand couples using the same techniques we teach in Passport To Passion.

The techniques and exercises in Passport To Passion take you step-by-step through the process of clearing the flow of energy in communication, emotion, the body, power and creativity. We integrate audio instruction and workbook exercises, as well as the Holosync Relationship Harmonizer exercise, which can be done alone or with your partner.

Passport To Passion will show you how to talk to each other in a way that automatically creates positive feelings and eliminates misunderstanding, so you can feel in sync again.

It will help you quickly resolve the cause of any unpleasant feelings you’re having because of past trauma with a special one-step exercise designed to release suffering.

You’ll feel more accepting of your body and therefore less inhibited with the special body-breath techniques we’ll share with you.

We’ll also reveal specific steps you can take that will allow you to feel invigorated and excited about your relationship again, which will naturally open up the channels of positive sexual energy between you.

Ultimately, the key to full sexual enjoyment is the ability to be your core self with your partner, unobstructed by past trauma, poor communication, power struggles or unspoken feelings.

In the open space of your authentic self, sexual feelings are naturally revived and triggered. You feel relaxed, accepted, and appreciated for who you are. When this happens, true passion is realized.

In this groundbreaking program, you’ll learn:

  • How to instantly fix the biggest communication mistake you’re making with your partner and get the romance back tonight
  • How to listen to your partner in a way that creates appreciation and more interest in love-making rather than just “sex”
  • How to understand the single biggest mistake most couples make when desire wanes and sex becomes less frequent (and how NOT fixing this can actually bring you to new heights of sensuality)
  • How to “recharge” your sexual energy when you’re feeling uninspired and bored in the bedroom
  • How to revive a relationship that’s in a rut and avoid the #1 epidemic problem of all long-term relationships
  • The role of fantasy in a healthy relationship (our recommendation may surprise you!)
  • A secret that will change your life forever if you’re still haunted by past trauma, feelings of shame, or repressed emotions
  • The #1 thing that men wished you would do when you listened, and the #1 thing that women wished men would STOP doing (and how that directly affects feelings of sexual attraction and passion)
  • Not in the mood? How to free yourself from negative, passion-killing feelings in 10 seconds
  • A subtle shift of focus that can increase your creativity two-fold and increase you and your partner’s desire for each other fast
  • What to do when you feel that you’ve outgrown your partner—or vice versa—and actually be more fulfilled within the relationship
  • An easy breathing technique that opens up the flow of energy inside your body so you can actually enjoy the physical sensations of lovemaking
  • An exercise that you can do on your own that will help you love and appreciate your body, no matter how many flaws you think you have, or how self-conscious you are about your appearance

This Program Includes:

Section 1: The Real Difference Between Men and Women

Section 1: The Real Difference Between Men and Women

  • Why the most important sex organ is actually between your ears
  • How to start making love rather than just having sex (even if one of you wants it more)
  • What your partner is truly longing for in and out of the bedroom
Section 2: Unlocking Your Passion Potential

Section 2: Unlocking Your Passion Potential

  • The real reason you’re arguing about sex (most couples think they know, even if they’ve analyzed their problems)
  • What to do with a lack of desire – and how to keep your relationship from becoming passionless
  • How to stop boredom and routine from seeping into your intimate relationship
Section 3: Maintaining The Eternal Spark

Section 3: Maintaining The Eternal Spark

  • How to boost your self-confidence so you feel sexier and more turned on
  • Inject freshness and excitement in your relationship – even if you’ve been together for years
  • How to connect more with your body so you get even more enjoyment out of physical intimacy

ADD 30 Days Of Video Coaching With Us – Absolutely Free!

Lasting Love Every Day 1-Month Free Coaching

With your Passport To Passion purchase, you’ll have the opportunity to experience our powerful Lasting Love Every Day video mentoring series. These daily "mini lessons" help couples recommit to more love, better communication and positive feelings in less than 5 minutes a day—and they’re FUN!

You can try the first month completely free. After that, you’ll be billed only $29.97 per month. That’s less than 1 dollar a day!

Our daily videos are packed with the MOST effective tools and techniques to bring more harmony and resilience to your relationship. If, for any reason, you aren’t completely satisfied within the first month, simply let us know and we will cancel the subscription – no questions asked. You’ll still get to keep the first month’s videos for free.

Start Listening Now – Risk-Free for 7 Days

Bring Back Passion And Have Great Sex Again
3+ hours of powerful audio and workbook exercises

Amazing value: just $139.97 or 4 payments of $34.99


Our Risk-Free Promise

Your Passport To Passion is Within Reach

If you were one of our clients, the tools and training in this program would cost you thousands of dollars. We know this isn’t realistic for most couples, and that’s why we created a program that gives all the benefits of our in-person trainings, but costs much less.

You’ll get all you need to transform your relationship:

  • Almost four hours of advice that you can listen to immediately, either online or downloaded into your MP3 player
  • A 20+ page workbook with exercises to help you dissolve the 5 main issues that are blocking the flow of healthy sexual energy between you
  • Our Relationship Harmonizer: a special soundtrack designed to help singles and couples create deep mental, emotional and spiritual rapport and connection, facilitating the creation of a deep and lasting bond

Because we know the powerful impact this program will have on your relationship, we don’t want you to have any reason not to try it. If you aren’t completely satisfied once you try out this program, you can return it hassle-free within the first 7 days. We’ll refund every penny, no questions asked.

It’s Time For You to Bring Passion Back to the Bedroom and Enjoy Great Sex Again!

Not too many years ago, we began our own journey of lasting passion and sexual fulfillment. We did it ’the hard way,’ because there were no road maps in those days. We had to learn everything by trial and error. Looking back, we’re glad we did, because it allowed us to save others the trouble of having to make all the mistakes we made.

In Passport To Passion, you will find the same tools we used to re-ignite the passion in our marriage, that we then successfully taught to thousands of couples.

You’ve probably heard the phrase that you really have to “work on your relationship” for it to grow in passion and connection. We disagree with that sentiment. The reason this program is not “work” is because your endeavors pay off immediately in more love and fulfillment.

In fact, the process itself can be wildly pleasurable and magnificently rewarding… if you’re willing to let it be so.

If you are committed to lifelong deep sexual fulfillment, this program will help you discover heights of passion with your partner you never before thought possible… until now.

We predict you’ll be amazed at the magic you can create!

With love,

Signed by Katie & Gay Hendricks

Start Listening Now – Risk-Free for 7 Days

Bring Back Passion And Have Great Sex Again
3+ hours of powerful audio and workbook exercises

Amazing value: just $139.97 or 4 payments of $34.99


Luminaries We Call Friends Say…

  • John Gray, Ph.D.

    Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks are masters in the art of intimacy.

  • Deepak Chopra

    The inner intelligence of the body is the ultimate and supreme genius. Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks show us how to connect with his inner intelligence and discover the secrets to healing, love, intuition and insight.”

  • Geneen Roth

    If you ask me, Gay and Katie are the perfect exemplars for stunningly conscious, incredibly loving, ever evolving and utterly fabulous relationships. When I grow up, I want to be just like them.

  • Pilar Gerasimo

    As an editor, I rely on the Hendricks as expert sources for all kinds of life know-how, from relationships and professional development to mind-body wisdom. As an individual, I consider them my personal role-models for healthy, happy, conscious living and loving. If you're committed to the journey of living your own best, most vibrant life, you simply could not ask for better or more compassionate guides.”

  • Neale Donald Walsch

    “I've known Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks as friends for many years. I am so deeply impressed with the love, wisdom, and clarity that Kathlyn and Gay bring to their work. Their insights on relationships can be life-changing. Our most personal interactions with each other mark the core of our experience as humans. This is where the real growth is, this is where the real opportunity for true soul work begins. Kathlyn and Gay are gifts to the heart and soul, opening both to new and grander experiences.”

Start Listening Now – Risk-Free for 7 Days

Bring Back Passion And Have Great Sex Again
3+ hours of powerful audio and workbook exercises

Amazing value: just $139.97 or 4 payments of $34.99