Permanently End The Cycle Of Disappointing Relationships\, Negative Thoughts\, And Gnawing Discontent With These Proven Secrets For Lifelong Love And Happiness

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Are you feeling unhappy with yourself and your place in this world?

Do the people in your life constantly let you down? Are you tired of relationship drama, or no relationships at all, and wondering if true love and intimacy will ever happen for you?

Is life just not turning out the way you expected?

You want things to change, but you don’t know how to make it happen.
You want a loving, connected, intimate relationship… but that just feels impossible.
You want to have a life of meaning and fulfillment, but that seems less and less likely as each year passes.

We are here to tell you that love and happiness is more than possible. In fact it’s easy, once you learn the right skills and techniques.

That’s where we come in. Not only do we have the credentials of being PHDs, therapists, best-selling authors and teachers… we are also happily married for almost 40 years.

We both radically transformed our lives: Gay was once a pack-a-day smoker, more than 100 pounds overweight and angry at the world. Katie was in an unsatisfying marriage with no personal fulfillment and spent all her time caring for others, and never caring for herself.

Together, we combined forces to share all we’ve learned in our individual journeys, as well as the secrets to relationship happiness and personal fulfillment.

We’ve field tested all of our advice in our own lives and marriage, and have succeeded in creating a partnership filled with positive energy, creative celebration and lasting intimacy. Our marriage is truly the engine that powers our lives, and we want to teach you all we’ve learned and developed in our free expert advice newsletter.

There is no reason for you to be unhappy any longer. Learn how to transform all the aspects of your life, just like we did, right here:

Permanently End the Cycle of Unhappiness and Heartache

  • The single biggest catalyst for change in life and love
  • How we accidentally push love away, even when we want to get close
  • Why your problems keep repeating, and how permanently to break the cycle
  • How our unconscious fears and beliefs sabotage our happiness and our relationships

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Our Newsletter Will Transform Your Life. You’ll Learn:

  • The secret to loving everything about your life: your relationships, your body and your wellbeing
  • The #1 indicator that will tell you whether you and your partner have a chance of working through your problems and saving your relationship
  • Why you’ve been attracting bad relationships – and how to finally break the cycle, even if it’s been happening for years
  • How to end fighting, blame and criticism in your relationship… forever
  • A big clue you don’t love yourself – you’ll be surprised at how common this is
  • 10 powerful “attitudes” that have the power to set you free from prior negative conditioning
  • The quickest way we know of to enhance the flow of positive energy in any relationship (this is our favorite tool – one we can’t live without. If you have 10 seconds, you can do this!)
  • The underlying cause of “people pleasing” and how to reprogram your thoughts so you’re not automatically serving others’ needs at the expense of your own peace and wellbeing
  • The 7 common ways we pull back from closeness (if you never thought you had “fear of intimacy,” you’ll want to read this)
  • The truth about guilt, and how to dissolve this debilitating emotion that stifles your creativity and your ability to express joy
  • What to do when you’re keeping a secret from your partner, especially if the truth will upset them

Recommended Articles For You

Permanently End the Cycle of Unhappiness and Heartache

  • The single biggest catalyst for change in life and love
  • How we accidentally push love away, even when we want to get close
  • Why your problems keep repeating, and how permanently to break the cycle
  • How our unconscious fears and beliefs sabotage our happiness and our relationships

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